Discover How Lumbar Herniated Disc Leads To Sciatica

Sciatica refers to pain, numbness, tingling or weakness that travel along the sciatic nerve. Not everyone knows but the most common reason behind sciatica is a lumbar herniated disc.


What is a lumbar herniated disc?

Lumbar region of spine comprises of 5 vertebrae. In between each vertebra, there are spinal discs. These discs cushion the joints of the spine and offer the needed support. Each disc is made of an outer ring, which is known as the annulus and contains the nucleus pulposus (gel like interior). The lumbar spine has its weight and remains in motion which causes the outer ring of one of the discs to crack, bulge or tear. All this eventually herniates the gel-like interior or causes it to extrude through the outer ring.

Disc herniation irritates sciatic nerve roots

Sciatic nerve begins like a bundle of nerve fibers in the lumbar region. These nerve fibers leave the spinal canal via the openings in the bones. The nerve roots join together and form the sciatic nerve.

Majority of sciatica cases result from an underlying lower back condition; thereby, leading to irritation or compression of one or more sciatic nerve roots. Talking about sciatica symptoms and treatment, there’s no single treatment that suits everyone. However, there are 2 options that are recommended to most of the patients. These options are explained below:

  1. Walk: A low-impact walk us better than rest. This is because walking alleviates the pain and encourages release of pain-fighting endorphins into the system.
  2. Heat therapy:It is done to stimulate the sensory receptors in the skin. Application of heat under the lower back hinders the transmission of pain signals to the brain.

As there are several reasons behind sciatica, it is important to identify the main cause by visiting the right health expert. Just like sciatica, getting treatment for herniated disc is also crucial. With herniated disc treatment Cary, getting relief and recovering early is quite possible. Hurry up! Get yourself diagnosed and treated now!

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